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In our Focal Scripture, an Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph and instructed him to take the young Jesus and his mother, and go back to the land of Israel, because Herod had died. Jesus could not return to His place in Israel until the death of Herod. Jesus could not take His place in destiny until Herod died. Jesus could not return to His inheritance until Herod died. A satanic system had to give way for Jesus to return to His place.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: any system that is posing like a Herod, stopping you from taking your place, I command it to go down by fire. Every structure of hell that says you will not step into your God-ordained inheritance, I command it to go down by fire. Every gang up that is stopping you from possessing your possessions, I command it to scatter by fire. Every negative cycle that is blocking your new season, I command it to go down.

I speak against every Herod that is opposing your destiny, and I command them to go down by fire. I command every Herod in your space to go down. I command every Herod that is blocking your advancement to give way. I command every Herod that is stopping your rising, to give way. I command every Herod that has vowed to pull you down, to go down. I command every Herod plotting against you, to go down.

Notice that Herod was a king; so a mere mortal was using his power and his throne against Jesus. Hear me as I hear the Lord: every man that is using his throne and crown against you, to hinder your destiny, let the mighty arm of the Lord knock him down. Every man that is using his authority to block your destiny and hinder your rising, I decree the judgement of God upon him. I command the Herod’s on your way to go down.

The same way Herod died and Jesus returned to His place, every Herod against you will go down and you will return to your rightful place.

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