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Here’s What We Are Eating Tomorrow

Here’s what we are eating tomorrow. Happy New Year! When I think of our Crossover service, the joy that won’t leave me comes from when our presenter, Tomini was closing us out so full of joy and excitement, and she could not even wait to get back to the dancing and singing that was going strong at the Afterparty!

That part starts at the 03:10:00 timeline, but why not just check out the entire video here and relive it over and over again.

Like the Gen Z’s say, Daystar’s crossover service was LIT! Literally!

And we sure hope you enjoyed a beautiful New Year celebration with your beloved ones? Food is such a big part of our celebration and I definitely agree that some things are better in pairs; like full hearts and full bellies!

Which is why we are super excited about the feast we will be having together as a Church family on the first Sunday of the month.

First, we have thanksgiving! Dancing shoes? Check!

Then, we are having a big feast this Sunday, and on the menu is the Holy Communion!

It’s not everytime we get to enjoy communion on a Sunday so we look forward to welcoming you LIVE at any of our Lagos centres. If you are online, get your communion elements set so you can join the feast wherever you are.

It’s our year to BLOSSOM and here’s a verse from our anchor chapter, Isaiah 35. 

Come waltzing to Zion, singing their way
to that place of right relation to God.
An aura of joy never-ending will attend them;
they will clasp gladness and joy to their hearts,
While sadness and despair evaporate into thin air.

See you tomorrow!


Sam Adeyemi,
Senior Pastor

The post Here’s What We Are Eating Tomorrow appeared first on Daystar Christian Centre.

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