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Our Focal Scripture tells the tale of how there was a multitude of impotent folk, blind and all, waiting for the moving of the water. It was a gathering of people who were all helpless. None could help the other. None could add value to the next person. Everyone was as helpless as the next person. There were instances in scripture where one person was helpless, but surrounded by people who could help, but in Bethesda, it was a helpless circle.

Friend, in 2024, I decree, you will not be caught in a helpless circle. You will not be caught amongst those who cannot help you. You will not be surrounded by people who are as helpless as you. You will not be helpless, and you will not be surrounded by people who are also helpless. You will not be in a circle where problems cannot be solved. You will not be caught in that place where no one can help you do what you cannot do.

I pray for you: in 2024, God is changing your circle. God is sending you men who can help when you need help. God is sending you men who have the resources you need. God is sending you men who can open the doors that you can’t open. God is sending you men who have the things that are missing in your life. God is sending you men who are carriers of the help you need. God is sending you a new circle that is loaded with help.

I pray for you: in 2024, may you be that man that can offer help when others around you need help. May you be that helper that others will look up to. May you be that one that will open doors and gates for others. May you be that one that will make new things happen for others. May you be that one whose help will move others forward. May you be that one whose help will make others smile. May you be the helper in your circle.

The days of being helpless, and caught in a helpless circle, are over. God has laid help for you; and God has laid you as the help for those connected to you.

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