God is best heard in the early hours of the morning – Bishop Oyedepo

For everything, there is a time and a season(Eccl.3:1). Broadcasts stations have programme schedules for all their programmes. If the prime news hour is 7 a.m. each day and you tune in at 8 a.m. you can’t catch the news.

All you can do then is to settle for second hand information, which is not the same as hearing it by your self. So also does hearing from God have its time and season. If you know when he attends to people, wisdom demands that you go to him then and it will be cheap to receive direction from Him.

I call the early hours of the day “Heaven’s radio Hour”. That is the time when his instructions are passed to those who are tuned to it. It is heaven’s radio hour for the wise. Those who tune in at that time catch the news from heaven and they go forth to make news on the earth! His speech drops upon people as the dew; and as you know, dew falls in the early hours of the morning.

God is online to all who care to listen to him in the early hours of the morning; it is when he reaches out for the ears of the sons of men. A study of those who received major instructions from God shows that they hit it in the early morning hours. The vital pillars of my life and ministry were delivered to me in the early hours of the day.

For instance, the eighteen-hour long vision I saw which culminated into the mandate which I received  for ministry began in the early hours of May 1, 1981.

When we were moving from Ilorin to Kaduna, the instructions were given to me in the early hours of the morning at 5 a.m. God said to me, “Arise, get out to Damascus, and there it shall be told you what things are there for you to do”, it was also in the early hours of the morning in 1989 that I received the instruction, “Arise, get down to Lagos and raise me a people.”

I was having a nice time, enjoying fellowship with Jesus one early morning in 1983 when I received the commission of our publishing house.

God is best heard in the early hours of the morning, so tune in for his instructions then.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.