You are currently viewing FASTING YOUR WAY INTO POWER


Those who fast their body of food are simply fattening their spirit.
So, denying your body of food is enhancing your spirit.
Subduing your body to hunger is practically upgrading your spirit man.
Unless your outward man perish, your inner man is never renewed. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; Ezra 7:21,23.
The body must ‘die’ for your spirit to come alive.
You can only arrive in the realm of the spirit by being away from the flesh.
Without a break from the body, you cannot assume strong spirituality.
Feeding the body beyond necessary is killing the spirit man without knowing.
How long you wait on the Lord determines how much you weigh before men.
Therefore, wait on the Lord in a fast to enhance your spiritual weight before men.

Those who fast their body of food are simply fattening their spirit.
So, denying your body of food is enhancing your spirit.
Subduing your body to hunger is practically upgrading your spirit man.
Unless your outward man perish, your inner man is never renewed. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; Ezra 7:21,23.
The body must ‘die’ for your spirit to come alive.
You can only arrive in the realm of the spirit by being away from the flesh.
Without a break from the body, you cannot assume strong spirituality.
Feeding the body beyond necessary is killing the spirit man without knowing.
How long you wait on the Lord determines how much you weigh before men.
Therefore, wait on the Lord in a fast to enhance your spiritual weight before men.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.