It is instructive to observe that Hagar had begun to despise her mistress Sarai (see vs. 4). It was the spite she displayed that led to her dismissal from the home of Abraham. Her error was what led her to journey into the desert. Her error was what pushed her out of the comfort of Abram’s home. Her error was what landed her in the place of dryness. She truly deserved her place in the desert, but El Roi showed up in mercy despite her errors.
Friend, even God is aware that you may not get it right all the time. God is aware that there will be moments in 2024 when you will be in error. God is aware of the tendencies in you that will likely land you in the desert. God is aware of the errors that are poised to birth more troubles for you. God is aware of the weak areas of your life. God knows where you are guilty as charged; but El Roi is coming to you with mercy for 2024.
The mercies of God overshadowed the errors of Hagar. Hear me as I hear the Lord: in 2024, the mercies of God will overshadow your errors. The mercies of God will rescue you from every wilderness you walked into. The mercies of God will overrule every judgement against you. The mercies of God will subdue every satanic uprising against you. The mercies of God will pull you out of the pit of destruction. Mercy will overrule judgement for you.
When El Roi looked upon Hagar with mercy, she returned to the home of Abram, albeit for a while. She was restored to her rightful place by mercy. Hear me as I hear the Lord: by the mercies of God, in 2024, you will be restored to your rightful place. Mercy will rescue you from destruction. The mercies of God will shield you from every unfavourable destiny placement. The mercies of God will rewrite your story and keep you from falling.
Welcome to that season where El Roi will show you His overflowing mercy. Welcome to that season where the eyes of El Roi will look to you with mercy.