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Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when Jesus saw the widow of Nain whose son was about to be buried. Jesus saw that women in her pain, and He did not leave her in pain. He saw her crying bitter tears, and He took action to end the cycle of bitter tears. He saw her mourning, and He reversed the situation that brought about mourning. He saw her in the midst of a dead situation, and He caused the miracle of resurrection.

Friend, when El Roi sees, He sees to heal; He sees to turn situations around; He sees to end the cycle of bitter tears; He sees to bring resurrection to the dead; He sees to turn around whatever may have brought you pain; He sees to change what He has seen; El Roi sees so that your testimony can become reality; He sees to make your life a spectacle of His glory; He sees to move you out of the snare of the fowler; He sees to change situations.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: the same way El Roi saw that widow of Nain and ended her bitter tears, the eyes of El Roi are upon you to end the cycle of bitter tears. The eyes of El Roi are upon you to turn around every situation that has brought you pain. The eyes of El Roi are upon you to raise the dead and heal the sick. The eyes of El Roi are upon you to restore life to all that is dead around you. The eyes of El Roi have seen to save.

The widow of Nain had just one encounter with El Roi, and what would have been a tale of a funeral of the younger generation became a tale of resurrection. One encounter with El Roi, and bitter tears gave way to dances and celebration. Hear me as I hear the Lord: every encounter you have with El Roi will cause every negative narrative in your life to turn around for good. One encounter with El Roi will move you ahead of the crowd.

Welcome to that new season where the eyes of El Roi see to turn things around. Welcome to that season where every encounter with El Roi will birth the new.

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