Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when there was a funeral procession, with a man being carried out of the city. That young man died, and his corpse was being taken out of the city for burial. He once lived in the city, but the moment he died, he was taken out of the city for burial. He died, and he lost his place in the city. He died, and he became a mere item in the hands of other men. He died, and lost the place he once had in the city.
Friend, no matter what happens, don’t die. Don’t allow the enemy to cut short your destiny. Don’t allow your prayer fire to die; don’t allow your consecration to die; don’t allow your commitment and dedication to God to wane; don’t allow your work ethics to be on a decline; don’t allow the battles of life to reduce and extinguish you; don’t allow the gates of hell to prevail over you; don’t allow death to prevail over your destiny.
If you make the mistake of dying, even men who could never come close to you will have the opportunity to carry you to places you wouldn’t have wanted to go to. If you allow death to rule over you, you just might end up in oblivion. If you make the mistake of allowing your walk with God to wane, you may lose your place in the scheme that heaven put in place. If you allow your consecration to die, you are simply asking to be pushed out of the city.
That young man died, and other men took charge of the movement of his corpse. He died, and he lost control of his own movement. He died, and he was carried to where he would not have chosen to be in. In this season, don’t be counted amongst them that are being carried to where they do not wish to be. Don’t let your destiny become a commodity in the hand of the enemy. Don’t let the wrong hands to carry you.
Remember, to die is to lose your place in the ‘city’. To die is to suffer destiny displacement.