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When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by, he screamed, “Jesus, thou Son of David”. Whenever Jesus was called the Son of David, reference was being made to His personality as the Messiah. Some people called Jesus based on Nazareth where He lived, but Bartimaeus saw Him as the Messiah. Bartimaeus saw Jesus from the place of the anointing, glory and power. He had a higher revelation of Jesus.

Friend, others may see Jesus as Jesus of Nazareth, but dare to see more. Dare to have a higher revelation of Jesus. Dare to have a deeper insight into the person of Jesus. Know Jesus from the place of glory and power. Know Jesus for who He is and what He is able to do. Know Jesus beyond the pedestrian levels that others are comfortable with. Know Jesus beyond the casual level that is convenient for most people.

The multitudes were screaming that it was Jesus of Nazareth, but Blind Bartimaeus was saying something different from what the crowd was saying, on the basis of a revelation that he had. Today, make a commitment to deepen your revelation of God. See what others are not seeing. See God as being able to deal with what no man can deal with. See God as one who will cause your closed doors to open. See God in dimensions yet unknown.

If you fail to deepen your revelation of God, you may end up saying what everyone is saying. If you fail to grow your revelation of God, you may face the same limitations that others see, you may focus on situations instead of focusing on God, you may not make demands on God when you should, and you will end up living in situations you ought not to live in or live with. Lack of a deeper revelation of God will limit you from being more.

Open up your spirit man and God will unveil more of Himself to you. Deepen your revelation of God and you will walk into new, better realities.

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