Dedication Is The Highway To A World Of Distinction, A World Of Decoration

Dedication Is The Highway To A World Of Distinction, A World Of Decoration

Inside every seed lies a tree. In every tree lies several fruits and in the seeds within the fruits lies a plantation. It starts with a seed: the seed is planted and a tree grows; brings forth fruits. Inside the fruits, you have seeds. You plant the seeds and before you know what is happening, from 10 stands to 20 stands as you keep planting in and out of season; then you wake up tomorrow, a huge plantation.

From a plantation to a processing plant and from a processing plant to a huge product in the market. From a seed that began its journey with dedication. Then arose a plantation, then a processing factory and then a product in the market and it is selling out within the country; it is selling out to neighbouring countries, selling around the continent and it is moving out from this continent to another continent. From a seed. But no seed can be planted to the ground on behalf of another. So it is each one’s dedication to God that determines what becomes of him tomorrow. No one can be dedicated for another one, just like no seed can be dedicated/planted on behalf of another one. Every seed that must grow to become a tree must be planted by itself into the ground.




Dedication of father and mother will not be a substitute. Of your senior brother, your junior sister will not be a substitute. You have to be personally dedicated for your personal change of story. “Our Church is a dedicated Church”: That doesn’t mean you. It means everyone shall give account of himself – Romans 14:12
Not every group, not every team. Everyone shall be rewarded according to his own labour; not every group, not every team, not every Church.
So our personal dedication is what defines how distinguished our future will be. Dedication is therefore a non-transferrable requirement.

Every problem is always easier to solve when you have an example and that’s what we have been doing this week, trying to go through some biblical examples on the worth of dedication.
A young chap grew up into the midst of hatred, by name Joseph. Loved of the father, well behaved. The hatred grew stronger when the father bought him a coat of many colours. Anyway, wanted him dead, but by divine intervention, decided to sell him into slavery. Joseph began his adventure in slavery but held on to God. In spite of that horrendous challenge, held on to God. In spite of that brutal challenge, held on to God and the Lord was with Joseph.




Genesis 39:3
God with him was his strength.
But can two walk together except they be agreed? No – Amos 3:3 And so Potiphar’s wife wanted him down and end his journey there as the chief domestic staff of Potiphar. “…No. How can I do this thing and sin against God” – Genesis 39:9 . Dedication to God in spite of his brutal challenge and got degraded into the Prison. But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy– Genesis 39:21 . God with you will always bring you into favour. God with him (Joseph) in the house of Potiphar made him lord over Potiphar’s estate. God with him in the Prison made him a staff while he was still an inmate. Whatever was done in the Prison, Joseph was the doer of it. He held on to God and from Prison, he marched gallantly to the Palace.

Dedication: the highway to a world of distinction, a world of decoration, a world of colour, a world of beauty, a world of enthronement. All with the root in dedication.


Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.