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Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when Peter came to the house where many were gathered together to pray for him. Prayers were made for Peter while he was in prison, and God sent an Angel to pull him out of prison. Prayer was made and divine help located Peter. Prayer was made and his situation was turned around. As he stepped out of prison, he found his way to the place where help came from. Peter connected to help.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: in this season, God is connecting you to the help you need. God is connecting you to the men through whom help is coming your way. God is connecting you to the portals and places that have help to offer you. God is connecting you to those whose prayers will birth open doors for you. God is connecting you to the men whose help you need in your new season. God is taking you to the place of your help.

Peter did not just find himself in some random place. He found himself in the place where help was being birthed. He found himself in the place where the help he needed was domiciled. His steps were ordered to the place of help. Hear me as I hear the Lord: your feet will be ordered to the place of help. You will get to the place of your help. You will get to the place where your helpers are waiting. Your feet will step into the help you need.

Notice that Peter first considered what had happened to him, before he came to the house where prayers were made for him. He discerned the place where his help was being birthed. May the eyes of your spirit man be open to see the place of your help. May you discern the place where your help is being birthed. May you perceive rightly, where your help is to come from. May you be aligned with the place of your help.

Welcome to that season where your feet will carry you to the help you need. Welcome to that season where you will be connected to the help you need.

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