Christ Embassy Jabi Emerges Fastest Growing Church (Category 6) at ICLC Awards

Christ Embassy Jabi Emerges Fastest Growing Church (Category 6) at ICLC Awards

LoveWorld News Correspondent
Fastest Growing BLW Church (Category 6) award presented to Christ Embassy Jabi (Pastor Dipo Fiso).

The Fastest Growing Church (Category 6) was announced during the ICLC Presidential Awards 2018 as Christ Embassy Jabi, Abuja Zone, led by Pastor Dipo Fiso. The coveted recognition was reserved for churches that exemplified Vision 400, the mandate issued by the BLW President during the International Cell Leaders’ Conference 2017.
1st Runner-Up, CE Garrison (Pastor Linda Okocha).

Christ Embassy Jabi was followed in succession by Christ Embassy Garrison, Port Harcourt Zone 2 (Pastor Linda Okocha) and Christ Embassy Bowen, Mid-West Virtual Zone (Pastor Mary Owase), respectively.
2nd Runner-Up, CE Bowen (Pastor Mary Owase)

Source: Love world News

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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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