Exclusive Interview with Tolulope Abiodun (Abbey tee)
Henotacemedia conducted an exclusive interview with Tolulope Abiodun, also known as Abbey Tee, also known as retired dancer on Instagram, winner of the Tech Personality of the Year award, an…
Tech is the future, yes! But believers need to feature in that future by taking the lead in tech.
The future needs a faith hearted tech enthusiast and enterprenuers, so this is the focus of this incredible series.
There is so much to learn.
Henotacemedia conducted an exclusive interview with Tolulope Abiodun, also known as Abbey Tee, also known as retired dancer on Instagram, winner of the Tech Personality of the Year award, an…
We all know tech is the future, but sincerely, as believers, we deserve a future where believers are featured, so in this series, Henotace Media was highly honored to grant…