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In our Focal Scripture, the men who informed Bartimaeus that Jesus had called for him, told him to cheer up. Bartimaeus was about to enter into his new season, but he needed to first cheer up. Bartimaeus was about to receive a miracle that would immediately change his status, but he needed to first cheer up. The new was about to come to him, but he needed to wear a countenance that could welcome the new.

Friend, I am aware that your new is about to come, but can you wear a countenance that can welcome the new? Approach your new season with joy and gladness. Approach your desires from God with a mindset of joy, knowing that He is faithful that promised. Approach your new season with a positive disposition. As you wait for the manifestation of what God is about to do for you, wear a garment of joy and gladness.

The men who called out to Bartimaeus told him to cheer up. So apparently, his countenance needed some cheering up before he could approach Jesus. There was need for him to change what was not a good disposition before he could meet Jesus. As you eagerly await the manifestation of the hand of God in your life, wear a countenance of joy. Refuse to be discouraged or depressed. Refuse to lose your joy in your waiting season. Refuse to curse God and die!

Bartimaeus cheered up before going to Jesus. He wore a countenance of joy before going to Jesus, and immediately, he received a cheering answer. He began by cheering up, and even Jesus had to speedily give him more reasons to cheer up. Your joy is an important factor in the goodness of God that is about to be released towards you. No matter how bad your circumstances are, never allow them steal your joy and gladness.

Your joy is a tool for you to draw more from the wells of salvation. Never lose your joy. Cheer up as you wait for Jesus to turn up for you. Cheer up as you wait for El Roi to turn your story around for good.

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