Families with deeply religious values in Australia are resorting to home schooling their children more frequently, as schools report an increase in religious bullying.
Disgruntled parents cited incidents in which their children were taunted and targeted for opposing same-sex marriage.
New figures reveal the number of pupils being educated by their parents has soared 50 per cent in just four years to 4,479, The Saturday Telegraph reported.
A shift in school values, showing a more general hostility toward Christian and Islamic ideals and beliefs are allegedly at the root of the problem, according to Accelerate Christian Home Schooling co-ordinator Stuart Chapman.
‘In our celebration of a diversity, Christians are now the ones who are the target of bullying and in the minority,’ he said.
After the vote in favour of same-sex marriage, Mr Chapman and the families of students who are suffering fear the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction, resulting in a need to pull children from school to avoid nasty attacks.
With religious schooling considered a luxury some families can’t afford, home schooling as a more convenient and price-conscious option may also have contributed to the 50 per cent rise.
A spokesperson from the New South Wales Department of Education said a parent’s decision should be respected when it comes to home schooling children.
Geoff Brailey, a McCrindle Social Researcher, said the challenges the religion as a whole is currently facing is a multifaceted concern.
‘I think there is a lot of challenges the Christian religion has faced, ranging from the royal commission through to some responses from the same-sex marriage plebiscite.’
Source: Daily mail online