World-renowned evangelist Francis Chan called out the “embarrassing” American Church for being more concerned with speakers, music, and convenient service time than the actual gospel.

“I don’t want to be critical but the Christian church in America has just gotten goofy,” he said during his sermon.


Chan talked about a recent trip to Israel and how he saw so many people of different faiths earnestly worshipping in Jerusalem.

Source : CBN NEWS

“You’ve got crowds of people at the Wailing Wall praying because of what they believe. You’ve got Muslims, thousands on that Temple Mount praying. You’ve got people of all sorts of different religions that just go after it for what they believe. And then you have Christianity in America where people show up depending on the speaker, depending on the band, and show up for maybe an hour a week if it’s good enough for them,” Chan shared. “Have you tried to look at how the church looks from an outsider’s perspective?

He also  admitted that he was guilty of being caught up in the distractions that come with big church conferences, popubelow

orship bands, and charismatic speakers.

“It’s embarrassing and I look back and say ‘God I’m so sorry,'” he said.

“You know what, we can change…We’ve got to give God the glory he deserves and we’ve got to be willing to suffer whatever we need to suffer to walk away from our sin, to confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, because we believe what the disciples did – that Jesus rose from the dead,” he urged.

“We’ve go to become people who don’t just love it when a person preaches in a way that they like, we are to be people of the Book,” Chan said.

Watch the full sermon below




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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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