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It is instructive to observe that Abraham already had many servants, and also was rich in cattle and other animals, but he was yet to have an heir. In our Focal Scripture, and in fulfillment of the word He had spoken in Genesis 18, God caused Abraham and Sarah to have a son. It was not just an ordinary son; it was an heir to the promise of God upon Abraham. What God did was to give to Abraham what was missing in his life.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: in this season, you are about to receive what is missing in your life as a miracle. You are about to receive that miracle that will supply the resources that are missing. You are about to receive that miracle that will open the doors that are closed. You are about to receive that miracle that will make available that which you have been praying for. You are about to receive what is missing as a miracle.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: in this season, what is missing is coming forth as a miracle. The opportunities that have been missing are coming forth. The results that have been missing are showing forth. The children you have been seeking to have are coming forth in multiples. The blessings that have been missing are manifesting. The harvest that has been missing is coming forth. Whatever has been missing in your life is coming forth.

What had been missing in the life of Abraham had caused Sarah to be despised. What was missing had attracted mockery. Hear me as I hear the Lord: whatever has been missing in your life that has caused men to mock you, you shall have it before November makes way for December. Whatever has caused men to mock you, will soon become a subject of celebrations and congratulations. What is missing is showing up.

Today, I decree over your life, that what is missing has been found. What you have been seeking has become your portion.

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