The Need for a Financial Structure.

The Need for a Financial Structure.

As humans, we are liable to error, that is why we have the scripture for reproof and corrections.

One of the worst diseases in ministry is the money disease. It is a killer disease!

Stay faithful and you will abound in blessings.

The cure for abuse is open accountability.


When a minister’s eye is set on money, he has lost the ministry.

A heart set on money cannot succeed in ministry and cannot have impact in ministry.

God demands financial responsibility. – Matt. 25:15

God demands accountability from His servants. – 1 Chr. 2:29

Until God marks you right, He won’t change your story.

You don’t grow big to manage well, you manage well to grow big.

If God cannot trust you, He cannot entrust His wealth in your hands.

To curb waste, you must discipline your spending. Don’t spend as you go, spend as you plan.

Waste is an enemy of destiny.


Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.