My names are Oladunni Adenuga, 68 years old and my husband Muyiwa Adenuga is 77 years old. We got married 40 years and believed God for children immediately, but it was not forthcoming. This made us to visit many hospitals and herbal homes, but all attempts prove abortive. Meanwhile the doctors conducted many tests on us, and they all confirmed that nothing was wrong with us yet no pregnancy. We then resigned our fate to God. We joined this church in 2010 on the invitation of my sister who has been a member of this church. Since we joined the church, we started hearing testimonies of many women and couples who have been barren, and they became mothers and fathers of children. These testimonies and the words from the Bishop strengthen our faith and we believed that God would do our own. With time doctors discouraged us because of our ages, but we refused to be discouraged and refuse to adopt children. Based on the testimonies I keep hearing I started anointing my head and stomach every night and have done this for many years. I also make sure my mantle is always with me every time. I always attend all the covenant day of fruitfulness carrying my baby things as instructed by the Bishop. I have also attended almost all the Shiloh programmes and my request has always been for God to bless us with our own children. Sometimes around June 2019 we had the privilege to meet the Bishop in his office and he prayed for me and my husband and laid hands on us and declare that we will return with our testimonies. We believed and said amen. We started rejoicing and held on the words by the Bishop. On 12th August 2019 after many tests and examinations I was confirmed pregnant. I carried the pregnancy successfully and there was no major challenge all through the period of the pregnancy. To the glory of God, on 15th April 2020, I delivered this twin, a boy, and a girl. We thank God and his servant the Bishop for these blessings. To God alone be all the glory.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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