We have come to recognize that our stewardship to God is never to the advantage of God but rather to the benefit of man. The Word of God makes it very clear to us, that is why serving God is a choice, it’s never by force – Joshua 24:15

God never forces man, but rather gives a choice to man – Deuteronomy 30:19

Very clearly, God has given man the power of choice.  Serving God is not by force, serving God is ultimately a choice but it is the choice of the wise. Why? Because our service to God is to our benefit, we must come to recognize that it is essentially to our benefit. We have been looking at some of the benefits that accrue to us as we serve God and this morning, we are going to look at 2 of these benefits very quickly.


  1. Serving God guarantees express answers to prayers

John 15:16

Jesus said, He has chosen you and chosen me and given us an opportunity to go forth and bring forth fruit and that our fruit should remain. When we fulfill this agenda, when we fulfill this desire of His heart, He said, whatsoever we ask the Father in His name will be given unto us. That means our commitment to stewardship in advancing the Kingdom of God gives us access to express answers on the altar of prayer.

John 16:24


Please hear this and hear it very well this morning, it is not expertise in asking that guarantees answers. It is your access on the altar of prayer that guarantees answers. You see, even in the natural, no man ever goes about his ability to ask when he gets a response, what he simply does is to appreciate the favour done unto him by the response given unto him. We must come to understand that the altar of prayer is the not dependent on our expertise of asking. Nobody celebrates how well they can ask, what they celebrate is how well they are answered and one thing you must understand is that man can pray but only God can answer. It is the position that you and I put ourselves in relation with God that determines our access to answers on the altar of prayer.


John 8:29

Jesus said, “He that sent Me is with Me”, but it didn’t come cheap, it came by particular responsibility: “I do always the thing that please Him.” In other words, it is positioning ourselves to please God or to fulfill the will of God, the pleasure of God that gives us access to God’s response.

That is why it is so important in our walk with God to continue to ensure that we are serving His purpose. As we do so, we position ourselves as priorities on His list.




Matthew 6:33

When a man begins to seek after God, when a man’s heart begins to pant after God, he no longer needs to struggle for heaven’s response.

-I pray for everyone of us from this day onwards, as our hearts begin to pant after at a new level after God, I see the response of heaven coming speeding in our direction, in the name of Jesus Christ.

God’s Servant has shared the testimony of how a number of years ago, something happened: he simply thought in his heart about a particular desire, he had not prayed about it. Suddenly, what he thought about came to him and he asked the Lord, “Lord, won’t you even wait for someone to ask before you answer?” He said, the Lord told him, “there is a company of people that before they ask, I will answer and while they are yet speaking I will say, here I am” –


Isaiah 65:24

In other words, there is a posture you put yourself with God that God begins to respond to you with speed. There are things that you even think, that He responds to. Have you not heard the Word of God makes it clear to us in Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20?

There are things that you even think, God will respond to speedily, just by your posture of stewardship.


When a man’s heart begins to beat after God, God’s hand begins to go after that man.

-For somebody here this morning, the hand of the Lord that carries the answer to every question of life will begin to go after you.

Psalm 145:16 – Inside the hand of God is the answer to every desire of man and every time man’s heart goes after God, God’s hand goes after that man.

-From today, the hand of the Lord that carries the answer to every question, every desire of your heart shall begin to go after you.

  1. Serving God turns our shame to glory.

Let’s begin this morning by understanding that God specializes in rolling away the reproach of men.

Joshua 5:9

What is it that positions us to see reproach rolled away?

Proverbs 11:30, Proverbs 3:35





The heritage of the wise is glory and where glory is present, shame is absent. In other words, when a man begins to go after souls serving God, such an individual becomes a candidate for the glory of God. Church Gist. When the glory comes, the shame goes.

-For somebody, I see the shame, the reproach, the mockery being rolled away in the name of Jesus.


Daniel 12:3

When a man or woman begins serving God in turning many to righteousness, they are classified as the wise and the wise in scriptures inherit glory and the glory that comes upon the wise makes them stars forever and ever – Proverbs 3:35, Daniel 12:3


I will like you to understand for your star to shine in the Kingdom, you must become committed to serving God.


Philippians 2:5-9

His exaltation came as a result of His subjection to stewardship. He (Jesus) took on the responsibility of serving God even to the point of death, wherefore God highly exalted Him. There is no shame that cannot be converted to glory when a man becomes dedicated to serving God.

John 12:23-26

Jesus gave us of a picture of this more accurately concerning Himself. You can’t end in shame when the path of stewardship is your pathway. When a man commits to serving God, the conclusion can never be shame. They make mock him at the beginning, but God will make him at the end. When God makes, no man can mock.

-For somebody here, as you subject yourself to serving God, I see the mockery of life being exchanged for glory.


That is why if there is a grace to covet, it is the grace to be consistent in stewardship. There is nothing that will attract mockery than an incomplete building. In the same vein, there is nothing that will attract mockery to a life like an incomplete servant: one who began serving, but did not continue. If you can press on to the end, the glory will be revealed.


-For somebody here, as grace comes upon your life to press to the end, the glory of the Lord upon your life shall be revealed.





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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.