SCRIPTURE: Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved,”what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness. Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? 2Peter 3″:11-12
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Nothing wipes a generation like transgression; to accept vanity is to inherit calamity.
Demolition is the act of pulling down,”destroying or leveling buildings or structures beyond recovery.
It is clear from our anchor Scripture that the world and everything in it will one day be dissolved or demolished.
In our world today, there is so much degeneration, corruption and wickedness which points to the fact that the world will soon come to an end (2 Timothy 3″:1-5).
The truth is,”the demolition of a generation is connected to the degeneration of that generation. Nothing wipes a generation like transgression (Genesis 6″:5-7).
When Sodom and Gomorrah embraced vanity,”they could not escape calamity (Genesis 19″:12-13). The curses of Balaam could not work against the children of Israel,”but the moment they accepted immorality, they inherited tragedy (Numbers 25″:1-9). Achan stole of the accursed things and his generation was demolished because of it (Joshua 7:18-26). What about Gehazi? None of his relatives or descendants saw him when he collected the gifts Naaman brought that Elisha rejected,”yet his entire generation courted the plague of leprosy (1 Kings 5″:21-27).
Beloved,”the disaster of compromise is heavier than its ‘dividends.’ But righteousness is a preserver. In the face of the demolition of the world and its system, if you can stand with God in holiness and uprightness, you will be sailing while the world is sinking.
Today, I prophesy that your case is different, in Jesus’ Name.
REMEMBER THIS”: Nothing wipes a generation like transgression; to accept vanity is to inherit calamity.

  1. Do not put your trust in the system of the world
  2. Determine to live a life of holiness and uprightness to attract the preservation of God even in times of turbulence in the world; you will be preserved.
    PRAYER: Lord,”deliver me from the vanities of this life. I refuse to sink with this sinking generation. I receive my exemption and preservation in the midst of the world’s demolition Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
    For Further Understanding, get this message”: MARKED FOR DEMOLITION
    DAILY READING: Zechariah 1:1 to 21,”Revelation 12″:1 to 17,”Psalm 140″:1 to 13,”Proverbs 30″:17
    QUOTE: Carnality is the foundation for calamity; Investment in the flesh is investment unto destruction. Culled from 365 Wisdom Capsules by Dr Paul Enenche
    AMAZING FACT: Bed bug saliva has anaesthetic properties so that when they feed,”their victim doesn’t feel their bite.
    DON’T FORGET TO ATTEND”: The Combined Sunday Service tomorrow by 8:00am at the Glory Dome,”the Lord’s Garden, Airport road, Abuja. Invite your friends and loved ones. God bless you as you come.
    PROPHETIC WORD/DECLARATION”: I decree your preservation and protection in the midst of the degeneration of the world in Jesus’ Name.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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