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Serving God pays!
You don’t end as looser serving God.
You can’t follow God and end as last.
Following God advances destiny especially when done purely out of love.
Peter was an example of indescribable profit in stewardship. Matthew 4:18.
He didn’t just start following Jesus, but He did so to the end. Matthew 26:58.
He really endured to the end. Matthew 24:13
But his followship was inspired and en-fired by love for God.
Those who love God care less about their own lives.
Only those who pass the test of love can truly follow to the end because love makes you un-detached from God – John 21:15-17; 1 Corinthians 2:9
Jesus delivered the mandate to lead the church to Peter only when he had passed the test of love. John 21:15-17.
He was trusted to become a foundation of the church while Jesus remains the Chief Cornerstone. Matthew 16:18, Acts 2:1-41, 1Pet. 2:6,7.

Serving God pays!
You don’t end as looser serving God.
You can’t follow God and end as last.
Following God advances destiny especially when done purely out of love.
Peter was an example of indescribable profit in stewardship. Matthew 4:18.
He didn’t just start following Jesus, but He did so to the end. Matthew 26:58.
He really endured to the end. Matthew 24:13
But his followship was inspired and en-fired by love for God.
Those who love God care less about their own lives.
Only those who pass the test of love can truly follow to the end because love makes you un-detached from God – John 21:15-17; 1 Corinthians 2:9
Jesus delivered the mandate to lead the church to Peter only when he had passed the test of love. John 21:15-17.
He was trusted to become a foundation of the church while Jesus remains the Chief Cornerstone. Matthew 16:18, Acts 2:1-41, 1Pet. 2:6,7.

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