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Our Focal Scripture makes mention of how the Philistines gathered their armies together at Shochoh which belonged to Judah. Enemies of Israel came against them, and they encamped within Judah. Even before there was a confrontation between Israel and the Philistines, the enemies had gained grounds. Those that were working against the agenda of God for Israel were already standing in the territory of Israel.

Friend, one mistake you must never make is to allow the enemy to gain grounds within your territory. Never allow the enemy to invade your space. Never allow the enemy to find an operational base in your territory. Never allow the enemy to gain grounds in any space that belongs to you. Don’t allow the enemy to gain grounds in your home. Don’t allow the enemy to gain grounds in your finances, health, vocation, career, etc.

By operating within Judah, the Philistines were not only trying to fight against Israel; they had already taken possession of a territory that belonged to Israel. They were fighting from a vantage position. No matter what happens, never allow the enemy to build a stronghold in your life. Never allow the enemy to build a stronghold in your space. Never allow the enemy to gain the advantage of possessing a part of your territory.

If there be any part of your life that the enemy has already possessed, I command him to get out now. I command every invasion of the enemy in your life to end now. Whatever part of your life that the enemy has possessed, I redeem it with the blood of Jesus. Whatever the enemy has already accomplished in your life, I reverse it now. I take back every inch of your territory that the enemy possessed already. I take back your space.

Don’t be counted amongst them that are at peace while the enemy is lounging in your space. Do not yield any territory of yours to the enemy.

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