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When Herod saw that the Jews were pleased with the murder of James, he proceeded to take Peter also. Herod had done evil before, and he plotted to do the same evil again. He had killed before and he sought to kill again. He had brought bitter tears before, and he sought to do same again. He had shown wickedness to the church before, and he sought to do same again. Herod had killed before, and he simply plotted to kill again.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: whatever negativity you had experienced before, you will not experience it again. Whatever affliction the enemy once put on you, he will not succeed in putting it again. Whatever traps you fell into before, you will not fall into it again. Whatever troubles that came your way before, they will not come to you again. Whatever ‘Herod’ did to you before, he will not succeed in doing same again.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: the gates of your life are shut against every negative repetition that the enemy has packaged for you. The gates of your life are shut against every battle that has come your way before. The gates of your life are shut against every rising and falling that has happened to you before. The gates of your life are shut against every invader that has invaded your territory before. Your gates are not open for negativity.

Every sponsor of negativity that has been released against you, to make negativity happen again and again, I say no. I say no to every trap that wants to consume you. I say no to every affliction that wants to stage a comeback. I say no to every misfortune that wants to stage a comeback. I say no to every wickedness that wants to come full circle again. I say no to every pattern of negativity that wants to establish itself in your life.

No longer shall it be said that you suffered affliction again and again. No longer shall it be said that your gates were open to negative repetition.

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