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Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when David went and stood over Goliath, and took the sword of Goliath. David eventually used the sword of Goliath to cut off the head of Goliath. Notice that the sword was in a sheath. What David needed to complete his victory over Goliath, was in a sheath. A sheath is a covering for a sword. Swords were put in sheaths in bible times. So what David needed was available, but it was covered.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: everything you need that is currently covered, I command it to come out. I command the resources you need to come out. I command the results you need to come out. I command the new season you need to come out. I command the help and helpers you need to come out. I command your potentials and potentialities to come out. I command your greatness to come out. Let your increase come out.

This was not a case of not having what was needed. David was in that space where what he needed was available, but was locked in a sheath. Today, I decree, every covering that is stopping you from accessing what you need, let it tear by fire. Every satanic covering that is causing you to remain hidden in the eyes of those who need to see you, let it tear by fire. Every covering on your destiny mandate, let it tear by fire.

I decree, let your sword come forth. Let your opportunities come out. Let your congratulations come out. Let your good news come out. Let your rising come out. Let your elevation come out. Let your breakthrough come out. Let your new season come out. Let that new thing that God has prepared for you come out. Let the new relationships that will reposition you on higher levels, come out. Let what is yours that is still locked, come out.

Every covering is removed. Every sheath is destroyed. Your ‘sword’ will no longer be covered. What is yours will no longer be covered.

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