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In our Focal Scripture, Peter proclaimed that God had delivered him out of the hands of Herod, and from all the expectations of the people of the Jews. Some people already had negative expectations concerning Peter. They were already waiting for Herod to try Peter publicly so that they can condemn him to death the same way Jesus and Stephen were condemned. Wicked expectations were upon Peter, but God disappointed them all.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: God will disappoint all the wicked expectations of people against you. God will disappoint those who are waiting for you to go down. God will disappoint those who are hoping you will become a victim. God will disappoint those who are waiting for evil to befall you. God will disappoint those who are expecting you to fail at the edge of breakthrough. God will disappoint all evil expectations.

The Jews would have made their calculations about how Peter would be brought forth after Easter, and be condemned and possibly slain; but while they were at it, God caused all their wicked expectations to be disappointed. Whatever evil celebration they planned was cut short. Hear me as I hear the Lord: those who are waiting to celebrate your downfall will wait forever. Those planning to mock you will wait forever.

While your haters are waiting for bad news to show up in your corner, you will move from good news to more good news. While they wait for their evil plans to materialize, the Lord will cause your lines to fall in pleasant places. As they wait for misfortune to come to you, they will see good fortune come your way again and again. As they await your downfall, you will rise higher. As they wish you evil, the best will come to you.

Welcome to that season where God will disappoint all the evil expectations of those against you. Welcome to that season where every negative expectation against you will be divinely overturned.

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