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It is exciting to observe that when God remembered Abraham and Sarah, He gave them a child which was named Isaac. When it was time for Isaac to have children, after he entreated the Lord, he had two children at once, Esau and Jacob (see Genesis 25). The laughter that came to Sarah gave birth to more laughter. The good news of Sarah gave birth to more good news. The celebration of Sarah birthed more celebrations.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: your laughter will give birth to more laughter. Your good news will give birth to more good news. Your testimonies will produce more testimonies. Your congratulations will be a springboard for more and more congratulations. Your open doors will lead to open gates. Your successes will be harbingers of more successes. Your celebrations will make way for more and more celebrations.

Notice that Sarah just had one child and called him Isaac (Laughter), but when it was time for Isaac (Laughter) to give birth, it was a multiple birth. It came on a higher level than the initial result. Hear me as I hear the Lord: God is about to cause your results to multiply on a higher level. God is about to cause your results to give birth to results that will outweigh your older results. God will grant you new results on a higher level.

The last result you just received is not the last you will have. The last laughter God caused you to have is not the last you will have. The last increase that came your way is not the last you will have. The last testimony you shared is not the last you will share. The last major door that opened to you is not the last that will open to you. Whatever you have seen God do for you is simply an advert of what He is yet to bring your way soon.

As surely as the Lord lives, as you celebrate your current result, it will give rise to more, higher, multiple results. As you celebrate your current laughter, get set: it will give rise to more laughter.

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