I need to return all the honourarium I collected from the churches that hosted me in the past because I failed them …Iyke Oriakwu


I need to return all the honourarium I collected from the churches that hosted me in the past because I failed them …

Few weeks ago, this young man here could not follow others to go and preach during Morning Cry we do every morning in the estate where we stay…

His hands and lips were literally shaking until he dropped the microphone and another person concluded the message and prayed…

But few weeks after, to the glory of God, he now preaches in Oil Mill Market, the biggest market in Port Harcourt, Rivers State …

Unfortunately, I learnt it late, that any gospel I preach and it didn’t touch someone to tell another about Jesus is a gossip…

I am really ashamed that people listens to me and still went back and were talking about their boyfriends to their friends and never talked about Jesus…

I apologise to all those that hosted me in their churches and I came and talked about only the fire that kill witches and wizzards…

People listen to me and run inside the bush, put off their phones for days, crying for the fire…

Why can’t they listen to me and use their pockets money to buy mega phone and run inside the market to preach?…

Why will everyone around me be competing with one another how long they pray and yet, no one is talking about going for Evangelism?…

The boldness we get in the place of prayer, is it not to use to face the lost on the road and tell them about Jesus?…

Because, we don’t understand what fire is, that is why we carry the Fire to facebook, looking for one another to fight with scriptures…

Because, no no how, no how, fire must be something…

Lord, I apologise!…

I am a part of this lie my Generation was told about fire…

Why will people around me only be talking about hosting Praise/Worship Festival and no one is talking about Evangelism Kantata?…

Lord, I apologise!…

Help my Generation to balance this thing we received so that we will not be known as a generation that were on their knees looking for fire…

When the Generation we were called to are rushing to hell uninterruptedly…

Let us pray!