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According to our Focal Scripture, as the star of Jesus moved, it gave direction to the wise men until they came to where Jesus was. As long as the star of Jesus shone, it gave direction to men. It was not a star that shone for itself. It was not a star that shone so that it could be recognized. It was a star that some men depended on in order to arrive at their destination. It was a star that gave direction to men on the move.

Friend, if your shining does not give men direction, I’m afraid that you may not last. If your greatness does not provide a compass for men to become all that God wants them to become, you are a living mistake. If your shining does not rescue those who have missed their way and sets them on the right path, you may not stand the test of time. If your shining does not lead men to Jesus, you just may have missed the mark.

There is a generation that loves to shine for themselves. There is a generation that loves to shine in order to be seen. There is a generation that wants to shine in order to be most revered and celebrated. You will be missing the point of your stardom if you do not fulfill the assignment attached to your rising and shining. You will be setting up yourself for oblivion if your shining brings accolades without yielding impact on others.

If God has raised you as a star, give other men direction. If God has caused your finances to shine, let your resources give help and direction to those connected to you. If your doors and gates have been divinely opened, let it be your opportunity to make a way for others to rise. If your life becomes a light in your generation, make sure that it also guides men to arrive at their destination in life. Let your light give light to men.

The era of shining for yourself alone, is over. Commit to giving direction to men as you shine. Be that man that will show men that some impossibilities have become possible. Be that man that will inspire the next generation.

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