Free From Corona Virus – Frederick Akinnawo

Free From Corona Virus - Frederick Akinnawo

Hallelujah, my name is Frederick Akinnawo. I am a member of Salvation Ministries. I live in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. I was on board when a colleague of mine who travelled from Ukraine, developed symptoms of COVID-19. Tests were conducted while he was on board and he came out positive for COVID-19. My colleagues and I, who worked closely with him, were also tested for the virus. Some of us who tested positive for COVID-19 were flown out of the vessel to Mainland Hospital, Yaba in Lagos, Nigeria.
I was admitted into the hospital on the 1st of April 2020 and my treatment began. I received the medication for two weeks, and series of tests were conducted daily (every 24 hours they take our samples). I was still testing positive and some of my colleagues started testing negative and were discharged.

It became a concern to me because in the isolation camp, in the ward where I was, I was the leader of the evening fellowship and morning devotion. So, I called my home cell pastor and told him what was going on. He told me that he has been praying and that he would speak with the leadership of Salvation Ministries and he did.

On the 25th of April 2020, I received calls from some pastors in Salvation Ministries: they prayed, they gave me scriptures to study and encouraged me. On that same day, I was booked for another test but the doctors did not come, I was concerned and called one of them. When I called, they told me they were out of testing kits and would be around tomorrow (26th April 2020). I didn’t know God was preparing something big for me.
That same evening Saturday (25th April 2020), Pastor David Ibiyeomie called me. He prayed for me and asked that I prepare fruit drink and bread which I did. He also asked me to open John 6:54 and prayed for me with the same scripture. After that, he declared that beginning from that moment, all other tests conducted will be negative. and I just need to have 2 negative results to be discharged. To the glory of God, after Pastor David Ibiyeomie prayed for me on the 25th of April 2020, I was tested on the 26th of April 2020 and the results came out negative to COVID-19 for the first time. I was tested on the 28th of April 2020 and the results came out negative once again.

To the glory of God, I have been discharged from IDH (Infectious Disease Hospital), Mainland Hospital, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria.
I have been discharged and I am free from COVID-19. There are neither pains nor symptoms. Everything has gone! I am free, strong and healthy!

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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