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In our Focal Scripture, God opened the eyes of Hagar and she saw a well of water. God opened her eyes, and she saw what heaven already kept for her benefit. Notice that God did not just create a well for Hagar; He simply opened her eyes to see the well that was already provided. So could it be that whilst Hagar was crying for water, there was already a well which she could not see? Divine provision was available, but she couldn’t see it.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: in 2024, your eyes shall be open to see the divine provision that God already made available for you. Your eyes will be open to see the opportunities that heaven already provided for you. Your eyes will be open to see the doors and gates that have been opened before you. Your eyes will be open to see the help and helpers that God has positioned around you. Your eyes will be open to see your portion.

Notice that Hagar was not blind. She journeyed into the wilderness because she could see, but she could not see what heaven had for her until her eyes were opened by God. So even when her human eyes were open, there were things she could not see until God opened her eyes to see. I pray for you: may your eyes be open to see what others cannot see. May your eyes be open to see the provisions and divine allocations for you. may your eyes be open to see your portion.

Every veil that shuts the eyes of men and prevents them from seeing what God has provided for them, I decree, it will not cover your eyes. Your vision will not be covered. Your eyes will be open to see what God wants you to see. Your eyes will be open to see before others see. Your eyes will be open to see what those around you have not seen. Your eyes will be open to see the wells that are meant for you.

It is one thing for heaven to create a well beside you, and it is yet another thing for you to see what has been provided. I decree, your eyes shall be open to see. Your eyes will not be covered.

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