Don’t be lackadaisical about your commitment to the faith – Judikay

Don't be lackadaisical about your commitment to the faith - Judikay

Ever blazing Gospel Music Minister, Judikay has admonished believers be lackadaisical about their commitment to the faith but to be strong during this pandemic, reminding them that they are the church, and not the four walls. In a letter she posted on her social media platform, the “more than Gold” crooner wrote this;

Dearest One,
It is not a lie that you are the church. It is not a lie that you carry HIS spirit immeasurably. But it is even the truth that you are a member of the whole BODY (the church) with your special purposes and functions (1Corinthians 12:27). You are the church,but a member of the WHOLE. This means that you have a commitment and a part to play that the WHOLE functions.
Even now as we face this pandemic and the four walls of the church has been temporarily shutdown, do not be lackadaisical about your commitment to the faith. You as a member of the whole must play your part; Be committed. You can still experience progress in faith by making good use of virtual services and the likes. As a member of the whole, do your part to grow. Study. Intercede for the body. Stop being passive about your commitment and growth even now.
Matthew 18:20 – Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them. Small gatherings are powerful. Miracles are still happening. Jesus is still doing good. Let your focus even now more than ever be on Jesus. The news would drain you. The news would sap your faith. Which is why you must be hydrated in these times with materials that keeps you alive in HIM. These materials are virtually available. Get them. Refuse to leave your soul dry.
Grow. Feed yourself strong with the word!
Udo (Peace)

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.