TEXT: PSALM 123:1-4.
KEY VERSE “Behold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the LORD our God, until that he have mercy upon us” (PSALM 123:2).

It is wise indeed to seek help when under threat or faced with challenging circumstances. The problem is that it is equally in the nature and character of a man to exhaust all his physical options before turning to God as a last resort. But the Lord ought to be our first port of call when we need help. That is the pertinent message conveyed here by the psalmist who was evidently confronted with daunting circumstances.

And he realised early enough that enduring solutions lie nowhere else than in the Lord. He likened himself to a servant expecting deliverance from his master and to a maiden seeking succour from her mistress. Also, he indicated no intention of turning elsewhere until God intervenes in his dire situation. He pleaded passionately with the Lord to have mercy on him and his people who were now pressed hard by enemies. Obviously, the enemies were very confident they would overwhelm the psalmist and his people. Hence, they exceedingly scorned them.

You may be despised by those who think they have the power to determine your fate in life. They may even reproach you for trusting in the Lord to help you. They may frighten and attempt to weaken your faith by boasting of their previous accomplishments in dealing harshly with their enemies. But your only recourse should be to turn to the Lord in prayer.

First ensure, like the psalmist, that the Lord is indeed your God by turning away from all your sins. Then you must pray to Him to have mercy and save you from all your troubles. If you depend on God, He will sooner than later, rebuke the proud and boastful enemies and grant you victory. All you need to do is to wait on God, He will not abandon you.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY “Wait, I say, on the Lord.”



The best and unfailing option for solutions

  1. The best option is to always lift up your eyes to the heavens while looking for solutions to challenges of life? v1.
    a. Think of your challenges. Where do you look up to for solutions?
    b. Why do you think God is the best option? Think
  2. The easiest way to always receive from God is to be occupied with His service v2. Servitude to sin, self and Satan always close the door of mercy.
    a. Is God your Master in all your decisions?
    b. Do you take service to God as your priority?
  3. Some of the challenges those serving God may face:
    a. Contempt from those too proud to submit to God v4.
    b. Exceeding contempt by those who are careless with spiritual things vv3,4.
    c. What are some of the other challenges you are facing? Mercy takes over when your faith cannot carry it as you look up to the heavens v3.
    O Lord, I hereby consecrate to you that while You may use anybody for me, only You will be my confidence henceforth?
    Lord, I have not been serving you enough. Inasmuch you sent Jesus to serve me, I also from today will be serving You with all my heart?
    God of heaven, you are our ultimate solution to COVID-19. Have mercy on this helpless world and bring an end to this plague?

HYMN: I know who holds tommorow

  1. I don’t know about tomorrow
    I just live for day to day
    I don’t borrow from the sunshine
    For it’s skies may turn to gray
    I don’t worry o’er the future
    For I know what Jesus said
    And today I’ll walk beside Him
    For He knows what lies ahead.
    Many things about tomorrow
    I don’t seem to understand
    But I know who holds tomorrow
    And I know who holds my hand.
  2. Ev’ry step is getting brighter
    As the golden stairs I climb
    Ev’ry burden’s getting lighter
    Ev’ry cloud is silver lined
    There the sun is always shining
    There no tear will dim the eye
    At the ending of the rainbow
    Where the mountains touch the sky.
  3. don’t know about tomorrow
    It may bring me poverty
    But the one who feeds the sparrow
    Is the one who stands by me
    And the path that be my portion
    May be through the flame or flood
    But His presence goes before me
    And I’m covered with His blood.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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