Excellence of wisdom

Excellence: The quality of being outstanding or extremely good.

Wisdom: It means knowing how to handle situations and make them produce your desired results.

Example: Adam.Adam was God’s representative of Wisdom and Authority in the garden of Eden prov8:15.

Note: one can manifest the wisdom of God on earth, even as Adam did and much more but it can only be possible if you invoke that which is in you to action by opening it to receive light and illumination from above.

Note: No word gets to your spirit except through the mind and if acted on by the body. What your ears hears goes straight to the brain (mind) for interpretation and analysis before it is absorbed by your spirit and acted by the body. It’s like the digestive process.

The spirit is sound, but the mind needs renewal, by a constant touch with the word and prayers, through this, the totality of a man becomes transformed rather than conformed to this world and the man is able to walk in the spirit discerning the good, the acceptable and perfect will of God on a daily basis.

THE NATURAL MIND CAN DO ANYTHING IT HAS CONCEIVED (Gen 11: 6).All through history, there are great examples of the products of the Natural mind.

The ancient pyramids of Egypt, the computer and sophisticated weapons and more are all products of the natural mind. The brain of man is terrific especially when it is taxed, it produces more ideas. Scientist have said, all the wonderful inventions we see make up only 0.05 % of the brain capacity, It’s impossible for the natural mind to attain a full use of the brain except through supernatural wisdom and strength, from God.

Note: To attain a great height with positive impact on yourself and others, you must retain God in your heart. (Rom1:28) prov3:15-19.God made us on earth to give the shape we want. We are God on earth and wisdom is the instrument we need.


1.Earthly Wisdom: Wisdom of men.

2. Heavenly Wisdom: Wisdom of God.You are created to live an extra-ordinary life through active use of heaven’s Wisdom on earth. “But there’s a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty gives them understanding. ( Job 32: 8 ).

Some Amazing Inventions of The Natural Mind.

Note: If an unsaved, un-regenerated mind could bring about such innovative creations, how much more can a mind which has the spirit of God.

*Communication: Telephone services.

*The Flying computers: Airplane, Helicopter, Jet.

*Egg Nutrition: The use of sea kelp, rice bran, alfafa meal and vitamin E to feed chicken in order to have a nutritious egg for consumption.

*Arms and Ammunitions

*Man Trying to find God in diverse Religious means, Taoism,-Hinduism-Buddhism etc.SPIRITUAL DIMENSION OF WISDOM. (Job 32:8).

There is a force that produces excellence in every realm of life.Note: You don’t force the issues of life through physical strength.Examples: Noah received grace and wisdom to build an ark.

*Daniel told the king his dream and interpreted it. (Dan 4:8).

*Joseph moved from prison to palace through divine Wisdom. (Gen 41:38-40).

*Jesus grew in wisdom. (Luke 2:40).Every gift has to be put into use before one can see the results.

Note: The Abrahams Covenant is based on how far your eyes can see. Your eyes are the determinant of how great you can become in the covenant. (Gen 13:14).God passes through the mind to order your steps in life. He has given you a sound mind.


*Through the word of God (ps. 119:105, ps. 119:98).


*Power of the Night (ps.16:7).

*Prayers of Enquiry (1 Sam.30:8).

*Praise and Worship.

*Concentration (Matt.6:22).

*The Lord’s Table (Lk.24:13-32).

*Good Company (prov.27:17).Finally: Every God sent idea is a seed. It therefore has it’s time tagged on it. Failure to execute it in its season will lead to it becoming unproductive.

Be prompt to putting ideas in to Action. (Eccl 3:1).Responding promptly to divine ideas, gets God into Action.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.