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In our Focal Scripture, Zadok took the oil from the tabernacle and anointed Solomon as king to take the place of David. One of the components of the oil in the tabernacle, was the oil from the olive. One major characteristic of the olive, according to agriculturists, is its trademark longevity. The olive tree may live for upwards of a thousand years. So Solomon was anointed with oil that had the trait of longevity in it.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: the mantle and blessing of longevity is upon you. You will not die young. You will not be cut short in your prime. You will not be cut short when it is your time. You will not be cut down prematurely. No disaster will swallow you. Longevity runs in your genes. You are not a candidate for untimely death. You are not among those that would go down by the hands of the enemy. Your destiny will not be cut short.

The oil of preservation is upon you. You are preserved from the attacks of the enemy. You are preserved from every disaster that wants to consume your life. You are preserved from every open grave that has been dug for you. You are preserved from every trap the enemy set for you. You are preserved from every negative emergency that wants to swallow you. The seal of long life is upon you.

Any grave that wants your corpse will wait endlessly because your days will not be stolen. God will make you untouchable for the enemy. You won’t be a victim of another man’s mistake. You won’t die another man’s death. Any tragedy that wants to take your life will be disappointed. You are hidden in Christ, and Christ in God. A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you.

With your eyes you may behold destruction, but with your mouth, you shall keep declaring the works of the Lord in the land of the living. You shall not die, but you shall live and declare the works of the Lord!

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