Apostle Wale Feso Celebrates His Mother Today

Apostle Wale Feso Celebrates His Mother Today

Happy Mother’s Day

A Tribute to my mother

Today I celebrate my mother
A gift from God the Father
A shining example of love
A blessing from God above

You nurtured me and raised me into the man I have become
May God bless you abundantly for all you have done
Day by day I see my marriage becoming a better version of yours
Our marriage is blessing others even beyond Nigeria’s shores

My mother my mother
Thanks a million for marrying my father
Together you have raised a man that blesses others
Now you are mother to many others

May God bless you more and more
May you enjoy life more than ever before
May you see all your children’s children
May your story keep inspiring men and women

Happy Mother’s Day to you mummy
Thanks for carrying me in your tummy
Wishing you many more years
May you live longer than my forebears

Your Son,

David Wale Feso

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.