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Dear Reader,

Welcome to this exciting month of September. I pray this month will be full of divine surprises for you and your family in Jesus’ name! God’s plan and purpose for marriage is for you to have a godly home. However, if your spouse is an unbeliever, God wants to give you practical and workable tips for winning your spouse. So, in this edition, I will be examining Winning Your Unbelieving Spouse to Christ.

Today, there are many people who were not Christians when they got married. Many found and accepted Jesus Christ alone and later found their spouse or loved ones who became a big burden to them. It is very important to know that when it comes to salvation, the individual will be involved in accepting or rejecting Christ Jesus. But then, there are certain things you can do to get such people saved.

One of the ways to help win your loved one to Christ is by prayer. Prayer changes things, and no prayer is too small for God to answer. If you can ask Him for all other things, why can’t you ask for the soul of your spouse? Philippians 4:6says: Be careful for nothing; but IN EVERYTHING by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. God is the Creator of every man, including your spouse. He sees his or her heart and can stir it to Himself as He likes when you ask Him to(Proverbs 21:1).Therefore, engage the altar of prayer to pray for the soul of your spouse.

Furthermore, your prayer must be done in faith and based on the Word of God, without doubts in your heart. You must also learn to be patient and not anxious, especially if your unbelieving spouse is the husband. You could also pray and ask the Lord to send external influences like friends, other relations, colleagues or acquaintances who will positively influence him or her to accept Jesus Christ.

Also, there should be somebody who can talk to your spouse the way you may not be able to. Your prayer should not stop you from carrying out your normal duties as a wife or a husband. It does not exempt you from obeying the commandments of God concerning marriage. You must continue to fulfil your own part, even if your spouse is not fulfilling his or hers. Don’t ever pray tragedies on your spouse just to get him or her born again. As you pray in faith, based on God’s Word, the Spirit of conviction will come on him or her, and salvation becomes easy.

Below is the testimony of a sister, and I this will further help build your faith:

My husband used to attend services before, but all of a sudden, he stopped going to church. He even stopped participating in the prayers we held at home, and I could not say exactly what was wrong. So, I kept praying for him. At a church service, Bishop David Oyedepo asked us to write a list of what we did not want to see again in our lives, and one of the things I wrote was that my husband must come back and give his life fully to Christ. I believed God to grant all my desires, and the following day, which was a Sunday, my husband came to church. Since then, he has been waking us up for prayers. To God be the glory!

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