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A leader is not a position-holder but a glorified servant.
Leadership is a statutory office but a service function.
God doesn’t call leaders, He calls only servants and raises them to become leaders as they serve. Psalms 89:20; Isaiah 42:1-4; Exodus 3:1-4.
We are not accredited as leaders, we are certified servants.
Our recognition before God is service founded Psa. 89:20
God doesn’t bless and reward status but function.
What God says, “well done” to is our works, not our position. Mathew 25:11.
Only servants are entitled to hear “…Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” Not a “good and faithful leader.”
Leadership is the status we earn only when we have faithfully functioned as servants.
The work we do qualifies us for “well done” rewards not “well sited” or “well said.” Revelations 3:7-8.
A Leader is one who takes the Lead.
Not a supervisor.
Not a director.
Not an instructor.
The size of your heart determines the size of your congregation.
The capacity of your Heart determines your ability to be a blessing to God’s people.

A leader is not a position-holder but a glorified servant.
Leadership is a statutory office but a service function.
God doesn’t call leaders, He calls only servants and raises them to become leaders as they serve. Psalms 89:20; Isaiah 42:1-4; Exodus 3:1-4.
We are not accredited as leaders, we are certified servants.
Our recognition before God is service founded Psa. 89:20
God doesn’t bless and reward status but function.
What God says, “well done” to is our works, not our position. Mathew 25:11.
Only servants are entitled to hear “…Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” Not a “good and faithful leader.”
Leadership is the status we earn only when we have faithfully functioned as servants.
The work we do qualifies us for “well done” rewards not “well sited” or “well said.” Revelations 3:7-8.
A Leader is one who takes the Lead.
Not a supervisor.
Not a director.
Not an instructor.
The size of your heart determines the size of your congregation.
The capacity of your Heart determines your ability to be a blessing to God’s people.

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