When you feel discouraged

Joyce Meyers devotional

People from all walks of life have bouts with discouragement and despair. There are many underlying causes for despair and a variety of treatments offered to deal with it. Some are effective, but many offer only a temporary solution. The good news is that Jesus can heal us and deliver us from discouragement. He can restore our lives to one of joy and peace.

If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, the joy of the Lord is already inside you. Even when you don’t seem to feel joyful, you can tap into that joy and release it by faith. You can experience what is yours as a result of your faith in Jesus Christ. It is God’s will for you to experience joy!

I had problems with discouragement and despair myself a long time ago. But thank God, I learned I didn’t have to allow negative feelings to rule me. I learned how to release the joy of the Lord in my life! When discouragement comes, don’t accept and agree with it, but encourage yourself by looking at God’s promises and letting them fill you with hope. No matter what you have gone through in life or are going through now, being discouraged won’t change it. No matter what you have lost, you still have a lot left. Stop living in the past and ask God to show you the future He has planned for you!

Prayer of the Day: Father, I come to You today in the name of Jesus and ask You to help me overcome my discouragement. Renew my joy, show me the road to the future You have prepared for me and help me to tap into Your joy, amen.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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