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Finding The Purpose Of Life


Finding The Purpose Of Life. For us to live a life of purpose, we must know the purpose of life. (Acts 10:38 KJV)

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10 KJV )

We were not just created only to go to heaven. If that were the case, then God would take us to heaven the moment we give our life to Christ. A lot of Christians are heavenly conscious but earthly useless.

God has pre-designed the good works we are supposed to do, and He put us here on earth to follow that path. Christ came to earth to do good, and because He is our ultimate role model, we too must do good. Jesus told His disciples – and you and I, that we must do good works. The essence of being a Christian is for good works. The basis of our assessment at the end of our lives is how we treat people because people are an extension of God.

Jesus needed divine empowerment before He went about doing good. He was baptized with the Holy Spirit before he set out for His ministry. There is a need for us to be empowered by God. When the disciples received the baptism  of the Holy Spirit, they became assets to God. God is expecting us to live a similar life, He wants us to be anointed. A lot of people have the intention to do good but they are not empowered by God so they are not able to.

Good intentions are not good enough, we need the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Human nature is intrinsically selfish and we can’t be selfless unless we allow God in. When you are empowered by the Holy Spirit, Jesus will destroy all distractions so you can be what you are called to be. When you are born again, the solution to the worlds problems is right inside you, you don’t need to look far.

Sermon excerpt from Wednesday sermon by Pastor Seun Ogundelu– Wednesday 30, August, 2023

Watch this sermon here.




The post Finding The Purpose Of Life appeared first on Daystar Christian Centre.

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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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