If you feel weary, Go into the Word of God – Kemi Oyedepo

If you feel weary, Go into the Word of God - Kemi Oyedepo

Remember that God is your Maker and Redeemer so no human being has a more authentic picture of who you are than He does. Appreciate the beauty in others but never use that to condemn yourself. You are unique so work on being the best you possible. If you feel broken, go back to your Maker. He has what it takes to fix you up and put you back together again.

If you feel weary, Go into the Word of God, the Living water that has everything needed to refresh your soul and revive your spirit. If you’re struggling with low self esteem, feelings of insecurity and inferiority, choose to focus on the one who loves you with an everlasting love. His love for you remains constant no matter what. It is only when you really believe it and receive this love, that you can walk in the reality of it, thereby causing the best in you can come out.

God! It should fill your heart with joy unspeakable that He doesn’t need to consult with any mortal man concerning you! Wishing you God’s best! Cheers…

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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.