[Music] Omale James – My Refuge

Omale James – My Refuge

In difficult times, when life’s puzzles stare us in the face, when we’ve got those questions that no man can proffer answers to, and unresolved anxieties drag us into the pool of confusion, to what or to whom do we recline?

In times past, God told the Israelites to create cities of refuge, so that those who found themselves in danger could have a place to flee and be safe(Numbers 35:11). This in itself could only guarantee interim safety and therefore was a mere reflection of what God’s ideal for a refuge would be.

Today, although we do not have physical cities of refuge anymore, we’ve got Christ who is the true and sure refuge (Psalm 46:1-4). This was God’s ultimate plan that can guaranty safety & relief from all the pressures and tumults of life.

David grasped this truth in no small measure that was why he used the word “Refuge” quite often in the Psalms and this goes to show the rationale behind his numerous victories over various challenges he encountered (Psalm 91:2).

This brand new piece, “My Refuge By Omale James ” is a melodious token for all believers and non-believers alike, that in difficult times, we can run to God. We may sometimes have the same questions, the same unresolved anxieties, the same fears, and the same confusions. Still, we can run to God, and keep our hope stayed on Him because He has it all figured out (Isaiah 35:6-7).

Why wait any further, He calls you today! Come to the true refuge and find rest for your weary soul…


Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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