Two Types Of People That Must Not Be Trusted- Pastor David Ibiyeomie

Two Types Of People That Must Not Be Trusted- Pastor David Ibiyeomie

I don’t trust anyone who ignores the opinion of God. Any man who says God’s opinion is not important, there is no point trusting him.
I don’t trust anyone who speaks evil of a man of God because if he speaks evil of a man of God, he can speak of anyone.

There are two people you must not trust in life:

  • Those who ignore the opinion of God. They say God’s opinion is useless. That means if they don’t regard God, then there is no point regarding them.
  • Anyone who speaks evil of a man of God must not be trusted because if he can say anything about a man of God, he can say anything about you. Naturally, people respect men of God: so, anybody who speaks evil of a man of God, is not a man to be trusted. He will turn his back one day and attack you if you are following him.

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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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