[News] Covenant Nation Restructures Church Fellowship Meetings

News] Covenant Nation Restructures Church Fellowship Meetings

After much consideration, prayer and thought given to the present situation and with a ban placed on gatherings of more than 50 due to the COVID 19 virus, the following steps will be taken to provide the fundamental aspects of a Church fellowship.

We had to design a system that will not only be sustainable but will also cater directly to the needs of the people and keep us connected.

The Sunday services will be as follows;

  1. 6.30am service will be live on Mixlr and will now start at 6.45am and we will also try to make it available on Instagram live from 7.00am.
  2. The 8.00am and 10.30am services will be on all our social media platforms, website, You tube Channel ( the Covenant Nation) and via the app. Two services will be broadcast on Sunday with visuals. We are trying to keep people as close to normalcy during these times and not change the routine.
  3. From next Sunday the 29th of March 2020, Bible study will resume online during the second services. The Children will not be left out as The Children’s Church will also come on live during the online broadcast.
  4. Midweek services will also be online strictly on Mixlr, both on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Small groups;

It is imperative that as much as possible we fulfill the scripture saying we shouldn’t forsake gathering together. Online alone cannot meet all the people’s needs.

The fellowship groups are permitted to continue with a gathering that must be less than 50 people. However, the following rules must be followed;

  1. Sanitizers will be provided by the Church at each venue and every person must use it to clean their hands for at least 20secs.
  2. Scanners will also be provided and every person’s body temperature will be checked.
  3. The venue must be cleaned out 30mins prior to the meeting, with all surface areas thoroughly cleaned.
  4. Anyone who has just arrived from the countries mentioned by the FG or has a close relative who lives in the same house with them who just arrived should not attend any of the meetings until the 14 mandatory days have been exceeded.

This procedure applies to all meetings i.e departments, prayer meetings etc.

Prior to any departmental meeting all the names of the attendees must be submitted to the Church office.

Weddings and baby naming or other such like occasion.

If it will hold in Church, the maximum amount of guests allowed is 30. This is because it will require close to 20 people to provide proper infrastructure for your meeting.

Once 30 people enter the hall the doors shall be locked and anyone who has to leave and come back will be noted.

If your guests exceed 30 and the person becomes adamant, the Ministers are instructed to leave the podium and exit the building.

We will also have daily confessions of God’s word from 6.00 to 6.15am. This does not negate the hourly prayer in the morning.

We will do everything within our power to create normalcy for Church members during this time and continue to serve you.

Kindly keep safe and take precautionary measures of personal hygiene and building up your immunity with the right substance.

Note that divine health necessitates this. God bless you all and we are praying that these days be shortened.

We want to assure you that this situation has opened the door to do ministry in more creative ways and discover new things.

The Covenant Nation will experience great growth and no one shall be lost to the virus.

Pastor Poju Oyemade.
The Covenant Nation.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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