3 Unique Things You Don’t Know About Bishop Oyedepo

3 Unique Things You Don't Know About Bishop Oyedepo

Bishop David Olaniyi Oyedepo, is a famous preacher of the gospel, the founder of Living Faith Church World Wide (Lfcww) also known as winners chapel, bishop oyedepo has become a household name to many in Africa and the world at large for Exploits in Ministry, he is highly honored by those in that academic world for the exploits of covenant university in Africa and the world at large. Most people have read a lot about bishop, from his biographies, listened to a lot of his messages but there are Unique things people don’t know about this prophet of God. I will list for you 3 unique things you probably don’t know about him.


Contrary to what most people perceive Papa to be because of his stern and serious look, bishop oyedepo is a very jovial person, he often says in his message that if you listen to any of my sermon on CD and i don’t laugh break it, God didn’t speak that day, even when I preach on Hell, I will still laugh because am not going there. Most of his bishop close associates testify of his jovial nature.

*Bishop Oyedepo Never Turns Away Sick People

Those close to bishop will testify, no matter how tired or busy his schedule is, he never turns away any one who is sick or afflicted, when the Church was running 5 services , bishop will still minister to the sick people waiting for him at honour entrance after the 5th service, he will minister to them one by one until the last person in the row, his compassion to the sick is overwhelming.

*Bishop Oyedepo Never Sleeps With Anger

Bishop Oyedepo has a principle never to sleep with anger in his heart, he often says anger disconnects you from the presence of God, although bishop gets angry when people do things wrong, but no matter what a person does, he never sleeps over with anger.

Henotace Team

David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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