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Categories: DavidoshinGospel News

Why Teachers Fights Prophets in the Body of Christ


The body of Christ is suffering a lot of attacks these days within its body because people have just refused to stay on their lane, there is a race God has set before everyone of us, when you refuse to walk in your lane you get derailed.

A teacher really wants to get things in the context of which he can explain to people, once he cannot explain it, he calls it fake, he  calls it of the devil. One thing a teacher must understand is that the prophetic is a dimension of the supernatural, except you are a prophet in that dimension,  you will not understand what is going on. Check all the prophets in the bible, right from the old testament, check men like Obadiah, jeremiah, amos and others, they were called to do things they never understood, God used some of the prophets to act out a script with their lives.

The prophetic is a realm that is difficult to explain and once a teacher cannot explain it, he condemns it, just check out the waves of condemnations against some of the prophets of our time, its always something like, “how can he say this”, “ how can he do this”, a true prophet basically acts under God’s command in tandem with his word even though most of the times , they can’t explain it, they explain it later with the consistency of the move.

In the book of the God’s generals by Robert Liardon, he talked about the Anointed Preacher of Faith, Alexander dowie, who condemned  Mother Maria Woodworth Etter, he called her of the devil but that was not true.

The truth is every teacher of the word in this day will likely do the same thing because her services was characterized by supernatural manifestation of trance , open vision and all kinds of manifestation that doesn’t occur in a normal Christian church, but that was her calling.

We need to understand, we know in parts and prophesy in parts, some young teachers have killed the dimensions God has planned ahead for them because they condemn it, in the books of God’s generals, Robert Liardon explained Alexander Dowie needed mary woodworth etter because Dowie got into heresy at the latter part of his ministry.

The whole purpose of the book God’s generals is for the people of this generation to learn from the mighty works and mistakes of the former God’s generals  so they can avoid it, but from what I can see, many believers are not learning anything.

My advice is always “what you don’t understand, seek to understand or just forget about it”, do not condemn a realm you don’t know about , you may just be aborting a realm God is about to move you into, if you don’t understand the prosperity dimension of Bishop Oyedepo, don’t try to explain, don’t be counting his church members and be estimating the tithes, just stop all that rubbish, seek to learn or forget about it. If you don’t understand the healing anointing upon Pastor chris, seek to learn or forget about it, Don’t explain a dimension you don’t know about.

I Love you

David Oshin

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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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