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God’s servant said when the Church Ministry started in Kaduna, he would get back to Ilorin with excitement, celebrating God and our mother didn’t know what was happening until the first day she came to Church.

When she arrived in the Church, she thought the Service was still about to start, because at the end of that Service, they were 21 in Church. So she thought it was maybe Sunday School, but that was the whole Service. From the joy and appreciation she saw, she didn’t know that, that was what was on ground. She came thinking that there was a multitude on ground but what she saw was 21 people, including herself.

The addition was also part of her own arrival that brought the increase from the past Sunday. But thanksgiving is the secret.

When something seems minimal, just give thanks. Celebrate Him and watch it, He will keep multiplying you.

What must you be doing? Thanksgiving. Keep thanking Him, keep praising Him, keep celebrating Him and He will keep multiplying you.

Give Glory to God. Whatever you want to see Him multiply, thank Him for it. Give Him thanks and give Him praise. Father, thank You, blessed be Your name. In Jesus precious name we have prayed.

Make it a lifestyle to keep thanking God. I remember the testimony of one of us who said, that she was believing God for a job. She had engaged, done all that God had commanded and suddenly she received a miracle job but the job was not exactly the kind of job that she wanted.

It wasn’t at that level but she came out on a Thanksgiving Sunday. She celebrated God and danced before God for the job she had received, even though it was not what she wanted. The following week, she got a call and something far beyond was delivered into her hand.

You see, God will always test you first. He will test you first. Many times, that thing that is in your hand, that seems insufficient is a test. God wants to see, “will you thank Him? Because the test is to see whether you will thank Him and when you thank Him, you pass the test. Then He begins to multiply you.
That will be your own experience, in the name of the Lord Jesus.



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