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When i spoke out with the “Frontline Doctors” on the steps of the Supreme Court building, “It was like SOMETHING BROKE IN THE SPIRIT “- Dr. Stella Immanuel

*Exclusive Interview with Charisma Media
*The fight against Covid 19 is Spiritual
*Reveals Prophetic Dream about Donald Trump

Dr Stella Immanuel, a Houston based physician and pastor, spoke about the spiritual dimension to covid 19 and big pharma. In a recent podcast interview with Steve Strang, founder and CEO of Charisma Media, this bold warrior opened up about what God has shown her prophetically.

Dr Immanuel says the fight to tell the world about this drug and gain acceptance for its more widespread approval and use has deep roots in Big Pharma—and even deeper ones in the spiritual realm.

According to her, “When these things started in March, I went to the Lord to pray. And I said, ‘Lord, what is going on? What’s going on?’ And when the Lord showed me … it was like there were missiles being released from the heavens, and they were being shot at people, and they were dying.

“So when I took it that it was a spiritual battle, I actually did a message to pray against COVID on YouTube, and I’ve been praying that message, praying over the nation, just praying and crying out that God will have mercy, will show us mercy. … as a nation we have strayed away and gone some really crazy ways.

“But God shows mercy when He shows mercy,” Immanuel says. “So we’ve been praying, and so I’ve been attacking this as a spiritual battle, praying, putting messages out for people to pray.”

And Immanuel believes the battle extends even further. “At some point, I went to the Lord, and I just prayed. … I said, ‘Lord, is this it? Are You coming soon? Because the level of craziness that’s going on right now, I don’t see how we’re going to come out of it. Is this it? Are You coming back soon? Should we just tell our families and get them right [with God]?'”

“And that night, the Lord gave me a dream,” Dr Immanuel says. “And in that dream, I saw the president. The president had been beaten up. He had been beaten up and knocked down and laid out on the floor. In fact, I thought he was dead. I came running because I was crying. …. So when I came up, and I saw him, and I called one or two other people, and then we laid hands on him, and we started praying … He rose up, and he stood tall. He stood tall and big, and he got back to work. And of course, those who were attacking, they were so irate.

“And I got that message. I said, ‘OK Lord, thank You. You’ve given us a ray of hope. That means we have hope. You’ve had mercy on us.’ … it’s only God’s mercy that can turn the tide around.”
“We have given the devil—we’re giving this thing—30 days, [until] Aug. 31, for everything to be turned around. If people get hydroxychloroquine, the schools will be open, people will get back to business, this disease will be stopped in its tracks.

“And we are praying, we’re not taking any prisoners and … any power, any spirit, any personality, any person that wants us to die, that wants Americans to die, death himself will die in our place. We will not die, we will live. … This thing is a spiritual battle.”

Dr Immanuel revealed that when she spoke out with a group called “Frontline Doctors” on the steps of the Supreme Court building, “It was like something broke in the Spirit. … People have hope again that it’s going to be OK. We will live; we will not be destroyed. We just have to pray.”

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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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