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Categories: Gospel News

What’s your Identity?


Identity is literally defined as the sense of who one is. Never would you see a soldier acting so timid even while in a public vehicle. His courage alone puts everyone in check even when you’re not saying anything about the government at all. His identity caused that. As a human, you have an identity. I have an identity. People see it.

Then as Christians, you have a special identity. I would have said a unique identity but identity itself is UNIQUE. 1st Peter gives us a clear unbiased understanding of the identity of a true Christian. 1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.

As a Christian, you should be conscious of being that standout personality – the one without any form of SIN and shady acts.

You should be conscious that you’re a royalty – from the family of the King of all other Kings. You should consciously live the holy life – just as Jesus lived while he was on Earth. It’s possible, you see? Also, you should be conscious that you’re a speciality of your ominipresent father. Finally, you consciously praise him.
This is not so much living our identity as Christian. Has it be difficult? Yes? Looks like you missed the key, ‘CONSCIOUSNESS.’ Try being conscious on any little thing you do and check it out.

Wait! Have you given your life to Christ? Yes? You’ve got to live with the identity. If you don’t, your case would just be like the case of a Lion (a royalty) swaddling himself in the mud because he sees the Pig doing that. It’s not just rejecting it that matters now. Change is necessary. You’re treading on a path you don’t like? Change! You need something more productive than how it has been? Change.
The moment you deliberate to change any action positively, you tend to be more conscious of that flaw. I worked with me, it would with you too!
Stay blessed!

Isaac Finette

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