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What will you do first if a breakthrough hits your hand?

There are things you do with God that moves God on the spot. God won’t sit in Heaven to send an angel; He will appear in person. This kind of things you have done, what do you what?

If it is some of us, “Lord, I want money, Lord I want this and that.” Solomon said, “You have given me an assignment, I want to succeed.” This was before Solomon ever became rich, he already had money. This was the beginning of Solomon’s career as a king, the very first thing he did was to offer a sacrifice and God appeared and God said, what do you want?

He said, “You have made me a king over Your people, I don’t know what to do, I’m a baby, I don’t know how to go out and come in. Help me with wisdom, help me with understanding; I don’t want to fail in this Kingdom assignment” and God said, what? If it is some people, they will say I want all my enemies to die first; you didn’t asked for the lives of your enemies, money, long life, or anything like that, you are concerned about succeeding in my assignment? Kai, what you have asked for, I have given you and what you have not asked, I have added; I have given you money, honour, riches, long life, the lives of your enemies; so that no king before you or after you can be as massive as you.

That’s the example of the God-first mindset and lifestyle. How does it apply to you? When you get a new appointment, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? When you step into a breakthrough, when big money enters your hand for the first time; what is the first thing that comes to your mind? What will you do first?. Solomon did not run to throw a party that I have now been appointed as the king of Israel, he didn’t run to brag and tell people; “you see, you were competing with me, now where are you now?” He went before God first.

What will you do first if a breakthrough hits your hand?What you do first with God determines what God will do with you for the rest of your life. I’ll like us to begin to gather mentality now; you step into that office and you lie down flat and then, you hand over your life and your assignment to God first and then, the money or whatever hits your hand from that assignment you say, “Lord, I step into this breakthrough, I didn’t beg for it. This first salary cannot be my own.”
That was king Solomon.





2). King Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26:1-5).

Uzziah was not too big to identify with God and submit to His priest when he became king.. There are people who can still come to church when they are a bit little; this man exploded in prosperity because he decided that he will continue seeking God. God was first and as long as he sought the Lord, he prospered.

Somebody came to my office the other day and he said, he came into contact with a man who sits on top of billions, both himself and what he does. Just in your mind, imagine the king of a nation that sits on vast resources, that is the level of that person and the person actually sits on that level of realm and they were talking and this brother, a member of this Church, he told him; his pastor said this and his pastor said that and the man said, really? You have a pastor and you are serious with pastor, that is very important. The man brought his head and said, “see my head, touch it, see oil. He said, my priest anoint my head daily, on a continuous basis. I don’t survive without oil on my head.” So the man ran to me and he said, I have just received instruction; if a person of this volume, bigger than presidents of nations, who is also sitting on top of vast everything can still value his prophet and pastor at that level, then he hasn’t started yet. He said, I want to take my prophetic cover more seriously. From that encounter, who was teaching him was not the pastor; it was a man who knew God, knows God and God position him.

Uzziah sought God, that is, you are loaded and you are still in the prayer band. You are financially heavy and you are on the road every week for evangelism. You see, that is why most Christians have not been able to become what God wants them to become. Because they are struggling to make it the way the unbelievers are struggling. The unbelievers have to follow that route. Jehovah has His route and pathway; pathway that has been proven in scripture.

  • I see men like Solomon rising out of this assembly, men and women like Abraham rising out of this assembly, men and women King Uzziah rising of this assembly!

3). Daniel (Daniel 6:1-5).
Daniel had what I call a notorious identity as a Kingdom representative in his generation, he was noted; everybody knew that this man belongs to God and that placed him far above his contemporaries and peers in his generation.

God is looking; listen, to raising Kingdom billionaires and multimillionaires. I think the number one importer of vehicles in this Country, billionaire, top of the range is an unashamed Bible carrying believer who holds his big Bible into his board meetings. . One of the he days, he was on the street preaching in Lagos on the road with megaphone – comfortable billions. The number one in fertilizer in this Country, both manufacturer and importation; heavy Bible believing Christian, unashamed, public identity, comfortable billions.

God is in a hurry for Kingdom made billionaires, Kingdom made multimillionaires to emerge (2 Chronicles 16:9). That everybody will clearly know that, this one, God made him. There are those, crookedness made them, there are those hard work made them, there are those deep in the occult and they have transactions with the devil. You know the devil told Jesus, “bow and I will give you all the gold in this world.” . So there are those who actually bowed for satan in deep cults and covenants and he handed them some measurable treasure and gold in our generation. There are demonic and satanic made billionaires, but God, the way light is superior to darkness, in that same way, God wants to make some people and let the world know that those made by God are superior to those made by any other personThe Kingdom first mindset and lifestyle includes these following:
1). Existing primarily as a citizen of the Kingdom before any other identity. This is my example; I trained as a medical doctor, I was a medical student, while I was a medical student, I was not a medical student who was a Christian. . I was a Christian who was also a medical student. I am not a doctor who is a Christian; in that case, being a doctor is my primary identity, it is what I am alive for. No! I am a Christian first and then a doctor.

I am not a lawyer who is a Christian, I am a Christian first, then by some accident, I am also a lawyer. I am not a businessman who is a Christian, the most important thing about me is that; I am a Christian, then I do business along the side. So, it is not possible to see me and think otherwise. I am a Christian first, before I am a pastor. Because you can be a pastor and not a Christian. So the question is; what is the most important identity of your life?
God is watching, devils are watching, witches are watching, your friends know and your enemies know, what is your dominant identify. It determines where you will land. That was how I made up my mind in medical school; “I am not here to be the first medical doctor in the world; I am here to represent Jesus first and medical training is keeping me here for that assignment.” That was why Daniel was willing to lose the job than to lose his prayer life. They said, “you are the first Vice President, nobody is permitted to pray here.” He said what? “Prayer is who I am. This job is a shadow. I open the window, I pray. In fact, let me open the window and see who will claim that he didn’t hear the prayer.” You said I should sacrifice something eternal for something temporal, no way! Your job and you, go to hell. I am going to pray.
Did he lose the job?

“Nobody can go to the king except he is summoned by the king. If I go, I may die but this is Kingdom matter, will I because of an earthly law forfeit a Kingdom issue?” Esther said, “If I perish, I perish.” (Esther 4:16). .
This is what God is saying; what is the most important identity of your life? When my classmates in medical school see what I’m doing now, they say they are not surprised. They can never be surprised because they saw me in class, I wasn’t at the back in academics and they saw how I functioned right from campus and I wasn’t surprised, my mother wasn’t surprised.

God wants your identity to stand out like that so that He can boldly and confidently present you to your generation and say, “This one is my own and I want to change his level, I want to advertise him to the world.”


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David Oshin is a Content Creator || Full stack Web Developer||Podcast Host || Digital Marketing Strategist. He is very passionate about UNITY of the body of Christ.

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